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작성자 cemtool 작성일14-08-20 10:59 조회9,272회 댓글1건본문
- ex3_1.cem
% This file is a solution file of TB 3.1 m = 10; // Mass // c = 2.1; // Damping coefficient // k = 2100 // Stiffness // F0 = 10; // Magnitude of impulse // tf = 30; // Total time of the response // flag = 1; vtb3_1(m,c,k,F0,tf,flag)
- vtb3_1.cem
function x <> m,c,k,Fo,tf,flag %VTB3_1 Impulse response of a SDOF system. %VTB3_1(m,c,k,Fo,tf,1) plots the response of the system to an% impulse of magnitude Fo. The input variables are the mass m,% the stiffness k, and the damping c. The total time of the % response is tf.% VTB3_1(m,zeta,w,Fo,tf,2) plots the response of the system % described by the mass m, the damping ratio zeta, and the % undamped natural frequency w. clear if (flag == 1) { num=Fo; den=[m c k]; } else { zeta=c; w=k; num=Fo/m; den=[1 2*zeta*w w^2]; } t=0:tf:tf/200; x=step([num 0],den,t); plot(t,x)title("Impulse Response of the SDOF damped oscillator")ytitle("Displacement x(t)")xtitle("time (sec)")
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